
Expected Language: English

Welcome! Please write out each word as it's pronounced. Write your best guess if you are unsure and be sure to have our style guide for reference. Do not attempt to write anything that is not speech (laughing, coughing, or sounds that don’t come from a human speaker). Below the box, select all the options that apply.

Toxicity Example?

Please select whether or not this clip contains plausible evidence of toxicity. If the toxicity type is not listed, mark the most relevant category. Consult the Style Guide for guidance on our terminology.

Speech Forms

Select all the options that are present in the clip, even if there is no transcription.

Behavior Target

If the clip suggests problematic behavior, who is the target of that behavior?


Select the dominant emotion conveyed by the speaker. If there is not a dominant emotion, select "I'm not sure".


Select whether the voice of the speaker sounds like a child (less then 18) or an adult.


Please select your best guess at a perceived gender presentation of the speaker heard.